
Search For Professional People

Hire the perfect talent from over 2.5 Million available candidate

Hire DirectlyAnd Save Your Time

Look for the perfect employee for your company among hundreds of thousands of job seekers in all countries of the Middle East. Sort results with our multiple filtering options and connect with the most qualified candidates directly.

Search Tanqeeb's database of job seekers

Search Tanqeeb's database of job seekers

Save your time to spend creating a job. Use Tanqeeb search engine to search for employees and refine the results to reach the most qualified ones and contact them

Always Get the best candidates

Always Get the best candidates

Tanqeeb's advanced Search algorithms show you the best and most related profiles to your search terms to efficiently get the best candidates for your job openings

CVs stay with you forever

CVs stay with you forever

All your CVs stay with you forever and you can download them to your computer to use in the future

Different Price Packages To Suit Your Business

All our plans include all Tanqeeb features from A-Z. Our pricing is easy and only depends on the amount of unlocks.
  • - Search Our CV Database Of Professional Candidates.
  • - 90 Days Validation Period.
  • - Advanced Candidates Filter Options.
  • - Your Unlocked Profiles Stay Permanently.


200 USD
Per 3 Months Silver
  • Search our CV database of professional candidates.
  • 40 profile unlocks.
  • 90 days validation period.
  • Advanced candidates filter options.
  • Your unlocked profiles stay permanently.


350 USD
Per 3 Months Silver
  • Search our CV database of professional candidates.
  • 100 profile unlocks.
  • 90 days validation period.
  • Advanced candidates filter options.
  • Your unlocked profiles stay permanently.


650 USD
Per 3 Months Silver
  • Search our CV database of professional candidates.
  • 250 Profile unlocks.
  • 90 days validation period.
  •  Advanced candidates filter options.
  • Your unlocked profiles stay permanently.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cvs

How can I search in Tanqeeb CV database?
How can I search in Tanqeeb CV database?

You can search for employees using the search box. All that you need to do is to put the appropriate keyword like "sales", "Developer" or "engineer" and all the related CVs will appear in the result page. when you change the keyword more results will appear so you should try using different keywords for more results.

How many CV can i preview?
How many CV can i preview?

You can preview an unlimited number of CVs and when you decide to contact the appropriate candidate you will need to purchase a CV package

How long does the CVs data I unlocked stays with me?
How long does the CVs data I unlocked stays with me?

All unlocked CV data stays in your account forever.

What employees can I find on Tanqeeb's CV database?
What employees can I find on Tanqeeb's CV database?

Tanqeeb is a public website and is accessed by millions of job seekers from different backgrounds from all countries of the Middle East

Do I have to add a job post to search for CVs?
Do I have to add a job post to search for CVs?

You can search the CV database without having to post a job ad.

What is the payment options you offer?
What is the payment options you offer?

You can choose one of our payment options. The recommended payment options are by credit card or PayPal. Please contact your account manager at for more info.

Does Tanqeeb offer a cancellation or refund policy?
Does Tanqeeb offer a cancellation or refund policy?

Yes, Tanqeeb offers a refund or cancellation policy within 2 days of purchase, provided that the package has not been used.

Need Help?

Call one of our account managers on these numbers for any inquiries

(002) 01011119978 - (002) 01145805000

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